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Pastnotes Index - The First 300
Posted between July 13, 1999, and May 7,
Scroll down for The Next 208
Use [ctrl][f] to search.
$1 Presidential, U S I R Watermark #64
1/2c Stamp Overprinted "Postage Due" #128
1851, 3c, Rarest Cover #79
1851, 5c. Unused Block Found #78
1865 Revenue Experiment #61
1869, Inverted Center Proofs #76
1912-1913. Panama-Pacific Used in Film Co. Advertising #71
24c Airmail Invert Proof #121
2c Parks Changing Color #65
4c to France -- 1870 #231
A Cover for Every Country #157
A Modern Postal History Item #286
A Pioneer Post Office in Greeley, Colorado, 1889 #67
Abnormals #180
Abraham Lincoln, Postmaster #106
Adams Express -- Australian Mail #108
Adams Express Poker Chip Stamps #107
Advertisements on Stamps and 'Adson' #260
Advertising Via First Day Cover #39
AEF Booklets #291
Afrika Corps Labels #292
Ahh! The Joys of Travel! #253
Airmail-Special Dely. 16c FDR Design #97
Airplanes on U. S. Stamps #102
Airpost 1941, 6c -- No Coils #122
Alaska Covers #158
Alfred H. Caspary Dies #211
Ambulante #294
American Mountain on Canadian Stamp #40
American Samoa Centennial First Day Report #282
An International Rocket Flight #49
Aniline #247
Another Stamp Quiz -- Quiz No. 46 #255
April Fool! #264a
Archer, Henry #298
Archer Perfs #251
Arranges Own Finds in Attic #3
Art Paper #179
Assassination of a President #73
Auction Improvement Suggestions #27
Authorized Imitations. U. S. Envelopes #151
Autogyro Mail for Philadelphia #118
Backstamping of Mail Ended #19
Balloon Monte and Balloon Post #252
Balloon Montes and Papillons #281
Batonne Paper #171
Bicycle Mail and 'Coralit' #256
Big Sales #116
Bisect #257
Bisected U. S. Stamps #140
Bishop Mark #258
Black Mounting Paper #112
Blood's Anonymous Poet #109
Bluish Paper Observations #72
Bogus #189
Bogus #290
Booklets #188
Booklets and 'Exploded' #259
Bureau Will Gum Your Farleys #103
Canal Zone and Cuba "Coil" Stamps #84
Canal Zone Early Counterfeits #85
Canal Zone Has Sticky Stamp Problem #44
Caspary-Hawaiian Missionary Cover #160
Catalogue Value #184
Catapult Mail #183
Century of Progress Imperforates #104
Certified Mail Stamp #33
Chalky Paper #178
Cheque Stamps #261
Christmas Mail #194
Christmas Topical Collections #166
Circular Delivery Companies #185
City Despatch Post Die on Market #86
Coil Trailers #12
Collecting War Savings Stamps #283
Colours, Universal Postal Union #195
Columbian 1893 Deal Rejected #75
Columbian 1893, 4c Blue Error #120
Columbian 4c "Three-Leaf" Variety #135
Columbian Envelope Dies #10
Columbus and Cabot #165
Columbus and Cabot in Same Boat #74
Commemoratives in Sheets #91
Complaints #123
Conditionitis #13
Confederate "Reprints" #144
Confederate States. History in Covers #92
Consular Overprints #196
Controls and Cylinder Numbers #262
Counterfeit Automobile Stamps #38
Counterfeited War Savings Stamps #176
Counterfeiters "Buried" #139
Counterfeiting in Olden Days #154
Covers #156
Cow attacks letter carrier #193
Crests vs. Stamp Collecting #6
Cross Posts #186
Crown Watermarks #265
Curtailing Mail Service #54
Delivery More Certain If Unpaid #5
Design and Engraving of the Penny Black #272
Design Sources for the Trans-Mississippi Issue of 1898 #279
Dickenson Paper #187
Discounts on Civil War Revenues #46
Disinfected Mail #190
Do You Like Tapioca? #145
Dockwra's London Penny Post #191
Eagle Carrier Used for Revenue #22
Eagle Carrier Used for Revenue #43
Earlier Commemoratives on Cover #125
Earliest Alaska Cover #24
Early Auction Sales of Stamps #137
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part I #244
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part II #245
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part III #246
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part IV #266
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part V #267
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part VI #268
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part VII #269
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part VIII #270
Early History of the American Air Mail Service - Part IX #271
Early Postage Stamp Catalogs #9
Earthquake Letters from San Francisco, 1906 #15
Electric Eye Stamps on Thin Paper #14
Embossed #192
Exit "Defense" -- Now "War" #175
Expresses Carried Southern Mails #96
Extract From an Old Letter #149
Fake #212
Famous Philatelists Series - Edward H. R. Green #295
Farley Imperforates #87
FDR Started Stamps at 9 #29
First Bureau Postage Stamps #142
First U. S. Advertising Postmark #57
Fiscal #205
Forgery #213
"Franchise" Stamps #146
Frugality Disappeared with Advent of New Deal #42
Gibbons, London, Condemns Farley Issue #31
Gold Mailed to Fort Knox #293
Goldbeaters' Skin and Granite Paper #173
"Good Old Days" -- Rarities Cheap #20
Government Stamp Imitations #105
Graf Zeppelin 50¢ Stamp #1
Guide to Stamp Investment #95
Gum Breakers on Rotary Printings #159
Gum #214
Gum Staining, Ivory Head, Gum Watermarks #215
"Hawaii" Overprints. New Counterfeit #70
"Hawaii" Overprints. New Counterfeit #100
Hawaii Under United States #163
Hinges #216
Hotel Stamps #217
How Many 5c '47s? - Part I #232
How Many 5c '47s? - Part II #233
"Improved Postage Stamps" #234
India Paper #169
Informed Bidders Know Market Values #28
Interrupted Perfs and Lecocq Machine #218
Laid Paper #170
Legal Illustrations #94
Letterpress #220
Line Block; Half-tone #224
Line Engraving #219
Litho., Lithography, Surface Printing #221
Mail From Sherman's Army #58
Market for U.S. "Seconds." #111
Measuring Grills #8
Metered Mail Advertising #68
Mint Mails Gold #23
Modern U.S. Covers #4
Moveable Box #168
Movement of Ships Concealed #55
Nazi Counterfeiting Plant #155
New 30c Airmail Stamps Discounted on Nassau Street #34
New Bileski Title Pages #161
New Canadians Dated "1943" #82
New Laws on Forged Postmarks #56
New Stamp for Doctors #60
New "Unofficial" Perforating Machine #164
Newfoundland -- New Provisional #113
Newspaper Stamps Not Used on Covers #21
Newspaper Stamps Not Used on Covers #114
Nicaragua's Stamps End Canal Dreams #289
No Mail to Spain in 1898 War #16
No More Agency Plate Block Sales #119
No More Auto Stamps? #51
Notes on an Early 'Booklet' #277
Notes on the Development of the Electric Eye Perforator - Part I
Notes on the Development of the Electric Eye Perforator - Part II
Notes on the Vin Fiz Flyer - Part I #206
Notes on the Vin Fiz Flyer - Part II #207
Notes on the Vin Fiz Flyer - Part III #208
Notes on the Vin Fiz Flyer - Part IV -- The Rest of the Story --
Part I #209
Notes on the Vin Fiz Flyer - Part IV -- The Rest of the Story --
Part II What Happened to Earle L. Ovington? #210
'Not-For-Use' and Overprint #226
Offered Without Comment #59
Old Postage Stamps to be Continued in use #229
On Saul Newbury #273
One to a Customer #7
Overland Mail #225
P.O.D. Experiment with Automobiles #81
Pacific Steam Navigation Company #237
Packet Letter #236
Paper and Pelure Paper #172
Paper Reference Collection #280
Paper, Double #197
Paris Exposition Cancel #18
Penny Post #241
People's League #240
Perforated Initials in Stamps #115
Perforation #263
Perimodrophily #37
Philippine O. B. Overprinted "Commonwealth" #117
Photo-Engraving #222
Photo-Gravure #223
Photo-litho or Photo-Lithography #239
Pigeon Post I #181
Pigeon Post II #249
Pigeon Post III #250
Pillar Boxes and Pillars, or Pillar Blocks #227
Pneumatic Tubes #275
Pony Express #174
Postage Due Stamps on Covers #127
Postage Increases #53
Postal Notes on St. Petersburg, Florida #143
Postal Savings Card #300
Postal War Tax of 1917 #177
Postmaster General Exhorts Postmasters in 1847 #297
Postmasters' Stamps #228
Presidential Medals Available #63
Printing #238
Propaganda Forgeries I #147
Propaganda Forgeries II #148
Ration Stamp Illustrations #93
Remembering the Mail - Part I #129
Remembering the Mail - Part II #130
Remembering the Mail - Part III #131
Remembering the Mail - Part IV#132
Remembering the Mail - Part V #133
Remembering the Mail - Part VI #134
Re-Use of Columbian Designs #136
Rhode Island Celebration #89
Rocket Mail #242
Rotary Perforating Machine, The #299
Rouletting and Rouletting Patterns #264
S. Allan Taylor -- Local Fakes #138
"Sailing Cards," Early Clippers #45
SCADTA Joins the Fight #248
Scott Catalogs Under Fair Trade #88
Scott Renumber 1847's #80
Seebeck #198
Services Not Keen for Overprints #98
Ship Letter #200
Spanish War Patriotics #124
St. Kilda 'Mail-Boat' #199
Stamp Quiz #254
Stamps for the Trans-Mississippi Issue of 1898 #278
Steam Press Printing Banned #32
"Stephen" Daye Issue #62
'Stock Exchange' Forgery #182
Subway Mail in New York #26
Suez Canal Stamps #47
Suez Canal Stamps #101
Superb #274
Taylor, Samuel Allan #201
The American Bank Note Co., -- Centenary #99
The Exhibition #162
The N.R.A. Stamp #66
The New "Book-Makers" Stamp #50
The New Precancel Rulings #52
Thorp's New Envelope Catalog #152
Three& 1/2 3c For 10c Rate #235
Thus the West Grew #110
Tin-Can Mail #202
Transcontinental Mail in 1860 - Part I #287
Transcontinental Mail in 1860 - Part II #288
Transcontinental Mail in 1860 - Part III #296
Tribulations of the Carrier #69
Typeset; Typewritten Stamps #203
U. S. -- First Surcharged Stamp #11
U. S. -- First Surcharged Stamp #83
U. S.-Mexico Special Delivery #48
U.S. 24c Airmail Invert -- Trinket #41
"Unhinged" Stamps #17
Unique Die Proofs #77
United States Guide Lines #141
Universal Postal Union #243
Upside Down Stamp Protest #35
Used Abroad #204
Used Dollar Value Columbians #25
Used U. S. Envelopes #150
Wall Paper for Stamp Dens #167
War Comes to Harmer Rooke #276
Warning! and Z Grills #230
"What is Philately Coming to?" #30
What Is the Most Extraordinary Item Known to the Philatelic World?
Why Should not Philately Live? #36
Winning of the West #2
Women Barred to Stamp Clubs #90
Won't Take Their Own Money #126
Pastnotes Index - The Next 208
Posted between May 8, 2000, and June 24, 2001
Scroll up for The First 300
Use [ctrl][f] to search.
6c Post Office Bisect #382
6c Post Office Dept. Bisect #381
Advertisements on Postal Material #481
Advertising Letters - Part I #331
Advertising Letters - Part II #332
Australia's First Official Air Mail #353
Austria's First Issue #356
Bahamas' First Stamps #501
Barbados' First Stamps #403
Barnard's Caribou Express #350
Best Known Philatelic Address #365
Bicycle Mail #483
Blair, Montgomery - Part I #484
Blair, Montgomery - Part II #485
Bleed (Stamp Design and Printing) #486
Boite Mobile #489
Book to Detect Counterfeits, A #385
Booklets, Stamp #487
British Forces in Egypt #488
British Guiana 1c Loan #351
Bulgaria's First Stamps #422
Bureau of Engraving and Printing #490
Burin and Malburin #491
Butterfield Overland Mail - Part I #493
Butterfield Overland Mail - Part II #494
Cape of Good Hope 'Woodblocks' - Part I #393
Cape of Good Hope 'Woodblocks' - Part II #394
Canadian First Airmail? #431
Carrier Mail, Drop Letters, and Letter Boxes #326
"Cavite, Hawaii" #377
Ceylon's First Stamps #411
Cliche #374
Coil Waste #502
Collecting Carrier Fees ca. 1860 #301
Common Stamps are Common Forever #392
Critical Mess Collecting #506
Cuba - First Republic Issue #379
Cyprus' First Stamps - Part II #402
Cyprus' First Stamps - Part I #401
De La Rue's Centenary Journal #380
Denmark's First Stamps #357
Deputy Postmaster's Appointments #333
Detecting Counterfeits - New Book #378
Dietz's New Confederate Catalog #375
Distributing Post Offices in 1847 #329
Dominica's First Stamps #495
Dornier DO-X #337
Duties of the Postmasters, The - Part I #344
Duties of the Postmasters, The - Part II #345
Duties of the Postmasters, The - Part III #346
Duties of the Postmasters, The - Part IV #347
Duties of the Postmasters, The - Part V #348
Duties of the Postmasters, The - Part VI #349
Duties of the Postmasters, The - Part VII #354
Early History of the Universal Postal Union #477
Egypt's First Stamps #389
Fabric from the Crash of the Dirigible Shenandoah #361
Famous Philatelists Series - Sir Edward Denny Bacon #482
Famous Philatelists Series - Maurice Burrus #352
Famous Philatelists Series - Philipp Arnold de la Renoitiere von
Ferrary #313
Famous Philatelists Series - Stanley Edward Gibbons - Part I #504
Famous Philatelists Series - Stanley Edward Gibbons - Part II #505
Famous Philatelists Series - Edward H. R. Green #318
Famous Philatelists Series - H. M. King George V #307
Famous Philatelists Series - Alfred F. Lichtenstein #306
Famous Philatelists Series - Josiah K. Lilly, Jr. #443
Famous Philatelists Series - John N. Luff #320
Famous Philatelists Series - Frederick J. Melville #444
Famous Philatelists Series - Edward Loines Pemberton #503
Famous Philatelists Series - Thomas Keay Tapling #473
Favorable Rates for Newspapers and Advertisers in 1847 #302
Favorite Stamp #386
Fight Over Newspaper Stamps, 1897 #369
Finland's First Stamps #358
First Stamps Occasioned by World War I #479
First Stamps of Mauritius #446
Foreign Mail Handling #367
Foreign Mail Rates #368
Fort Myers, Florida, and the Civil War #508
Free Franking for Postmasters #304
Gold Coast 20s. Stamp Thefts #399
Great Britain Issues the Penny Red #405
Great Britain's First 2½d. Stamp #478
Great Penny Black Collection, The #359
Guatemala's First Stamps #410
Handling Missent Mail in 1847 #413
Heath, Charles #319
Highway Post Office #442
Hinge, an Important Discovery #364
Jamaica's First Stamps - Part II #497
Jamaica's First Stamps - Part I #496
Jumelle Press #314
Law and Philately #360
Letter Carriers #355
Lotteries and the Mails #325
Love and Refrigerators in 1889 #308
Mafeking #445
Mail and the Mexican War #321
Mail Exchange between United States and Canada in 1847 #372
Mail to Oregon - Via Panama #323
Married Pair #441
Massachusetts Stamp Act of 1755 #434
Meter Postage A Brief History - Part I #458
Meter Postage A Brief History - Part II #459
Meter Postage A Brief History - Part III #460 |
Miscellany Collection, A #420
Modeler #448
Months of the Year Translations #452
National One Center Letter Postage Association #440
Netherlands' First Stamps #390
New Zealand's First Stamps #373
Newspapers Exchanged Free of Postage #303
"Not Listed by Scott" #370
Notes on The Introduction of Luminescent or Tagged Stamps in U. S.,
Canada, and Elsewhere #507
Orangeburg Coil #447
Orient Express #449
Original Gum vs. Mint Never Hinged #404
Palestine's First Stamps #391
Paquebot #450
Philatelic Truck #335
Philatelic Truck #451
Philippine Islands' First Stamps #376
Pioneer Airmail Flights - Part I #425
Pioneer Airmail Flights - Part II #426
Pioneer Airmail Flights - Part III #427
Pioneer Airmail Flights - Part IV #428
Pioneer Airmail Flights - Part V #429
Pioneer Airmail Flights - Part VI #430
Pioneer Airmail Flights - Part VII #433
Post Code #454
Postage Due Labels #453
Postage on Letters #327
Postage Rates in 1847 - Part I #414
Postage Rates in 1847 - Part II #415
Postage Rates in 1847 - Part III #416
Postage Rates in 1847 - Part IV #417
Postage Rates in 1847 - Part V #418
Postage Rates in 1847 - Part VI #419
Postage Stamps Authorized in United States #322
Postal Routes in the United States in 1847 #328
Postmaster's Oath and Bond #334
Price and Condition Methodology per Cabeen #398
Railroads Become Post Roads #305
Railway Stamps #468
Reentry #455
Regumming #330
Reminder From the Past, A #500Reward
for Philatelic Aids #362
Rocket Mail #336
Roessler, Albert C.#469
Rural Free Delivery #456
Uniform Penny Postage Introduced #397
Trinidad's First Stamps - Part II #396
Trinidad's First Stamps - Part I #395
St. Andrew's Cross #470
Sam Singer, and Faked Perforations #383
Sanitary Fair Stamps #467
Sarawak's First Stamps #407
Scott Discusses Changes - Part I #423
Scott Discusses Changes - Part II #424
Search is Part of the Thrill, The #400
Nicholas F. Seebeck - Part I #461
Nicholas F. Seebeck - Part II #462
Nicholas F. Seebeck - Part III #463
Nicholas F. Seebeck - Part IV #464
Nicholas F. Seebeck - Part V #465
Selling On-Line #371
Ship Letter #457
Sleeper #408
Some Philatelic Firsts - Part I #437
Some Philatelic Firsts - Part II #438
Some Philatelic Firsts - Part III #439
Spain's First Stamps #388
Sperati, Jean de #466
Stamp Club Meeting Program #409
Stamps of the First Decade #492
Steamboats Carried the Mail #312
Stock Exchange Forgery (Addition) #471
Street Car Mail Service #472
Sudan's First Stamps #406
Tete-Beche and Se-Tenant #474
Tobago's First Stamps - Part II #499
Tobago's First Stamps - Part I #498
Transcontinental Mail in 1860 - Part V #309
Transcontinental Mail in 1860 - Part IV #310
"Unlisted Types" Oftimes Unholy #363
Unusual Find of Rare Stamps, An #436
Uruguay's First Stamps #476
U. S. Postal Agency in Shanghai #432
U. S. Bi-colored Issues #366
Vending and Affixing Machine Perforations #475
Waterlow& Sons Ltd. #412
Way Letters #324
Western Australia's First Stamp #480
Western Express Notes #311
Western Mail - Part I #338
Western Mail Part II #339
Western Mail Part III #340
Western Mail Part IV #341
Western Mail Part V #342
What is a Collection Worth? #387
Why so Many U.S. 1847s are Pen Cancelled #343
Women Designers and Engravers - Part I #315
Women Designers and Engravers - Part II #316
Women Designers and Engravers - Part III #317
World's First Official Air Mail Flight #421
World's First Official Air Stamp Issued by Italy #435
"Z" Grills -- Low Priced #384

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