The deportation
In 1929 Heinrich Himmler
was appointed Reichsführer and took command of the police force commonly known
as “SS”. In 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of the Reich, this
department had 52.000 men. From the start it had the task to prevent and to
repress any political opinion and social conviction opposited to nazi politics.
On March 31,1933 the first concentration camp was opened for political internees. It is extremely easy to determine who was to be a political internee according to the nazi theory. Everyone who was contrary to the regime should have been interned. In particular the Jews, the gypsies, the homosexuals, the asocials generally and even the Bible followers who represented a danger because of their principles of justice and charity.
The concentration camps were the missing ring of the terror chain by which Germany tied up the occupied Europe from 1940 to 1945. All types of great suffering were conducted in the concentration camps and in most cases death. Jews, politicians, partisans, Russian prisoners of war, allied commandos and many other human beings, women and innocent children, torn from their houses, found themselves in Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Majdanek, Ravensbruck, Auschwitz, Birkenau, Mauthausen and in thousands of other concentration camps to die or maybe to come out from there, after many years, broken in body and mind.