Read the summary of the latest issue of "La voce del Cifr" ("The Voice of Cifr") which is distributed bimonthly in the Italian version of this web site.  Please take note that our magazine is in Italian language only. Just to give you the idea of its contents, we have translated  for you the March 2004 summary plus some others: see at the bottom of this page. 

But before read some other info:

. Article on homage to Reagan -Italian version- : see and click  HERE  (come back here with the "BACK" button of your browser):

  • - There is a NEW MONOGRAPH on Italian Antarctica Expeditions  from 1957 to 1995. For details, please, click HERE!

  • - There are a NEW MONOGRAPH on Italian postmarks, 

    - there is a new version of the booklet "propaganda with stamps",

    - a new special monograph of "Voice" on new discovers on original documents of C.N.L. issues is available from December 2005.

    The mentioned publications are available to our members only. 


    . "La Voce del Cifr" was awarded at its first world philatelic exhibit participation!

    At TEMEX in Buenos Aires (October 2003), at our first presence in an international contest of literature, our magazine, among more than 400, it won the big silver in the category "periodical publications". 

    At Veronafil in Verona (November 2005), our Society was awarded with diploma and gold medal as theh best Italian Society in the historical and philatelic research among the whole Italian philatlic Society by F.S.F.I. for the 2004 year.






    . Cifr meetings and exhibits calendar is available in the Italian version only.

    . interesting Italian issues on the 1st June 2002 and 29 June 2005 commemorating Italian peace keeping missions and  Italian army.

     see image   HERE! and HERE !

       - see the cover  of Italian mission in Iraq  from August 2003  clicking HERE!

      - see the first information about Italian mission in Sudan (2005) clicking HERE!


    .. NEW: a new monograph of over 400 pages on the Italian postal marks of Anti Fascism and Resistance, from 1945 until 2002, is now available for our members. See the announcement in the Italian section. 25,00 Euro the cost.


     . Some articles from "La Voce del Cifr" are available in the Italian version only:

    for example see the images of Iraqi article: "Good-bye Saddam!"

                                                                                          see 5 figures clicking HERE!  

                                                                           see other five figures clicking HERE!

      - see the overprinted bogus stamps of the coalition in Iraq clicking HERE! ( with first original set issued on 12th Jan. 2004, the set on a commercial cover, plus other interesting news on Iraqi stamps.)


     - see some images of Afghan rebel stamps clicking HERE!


      . some previous summaries


     NEWS last update on the 27th of November  2005