Who we are:
The Italian Center for Resistance Philately (Cifr) is an organization that has gathered, for over 25 years, the fans of stamps, postal stationery, meter marks, cancellations, maximum cards, and other collecting traditions that focus on the Second World War: war events, resistance movements, anti-fascism, internment camps, propaganda issues, espionage forgeries... and peace missions, scientific missions, modern personalities...
Our newsletter:
"La voce del Cifr" (The Voice of the Cifr) presents, every two months, 48 pages of articles, in Italian, consisting of articles, remarks, and news related to the philatelic and postal history aspects of our specialty. And more...
What we offer:
New issues at cost, special offers of philatelic material reserved for members only, loans of specialized slides, attendance at exhibitions, and special monographs.
How to join:
One year's membership in Cifr costs only 28,00 EURO, payable to the Italian postal account no., registered under Cifr, via Vetta d'Italia 3, 20144 Milano, Italy. From abroad we accept cash: the total amount (1 year membership) is 30 U.S. $ in bank-notes (ONLY for new membership or renewal within 31st December 2004), or 35 $ for new membership or renewal after 1st January 2005: the money must be sent to the same address at the "attention of Mr. Gianfranco Pastormerlo". Of course international postal money orders are also accepted: 28,00 EURO, or 35 $ U.S. outside Europe. Special condition for people younger than 21 years old: get in touch with us!
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last update on the 1st of October 2004